February 8, 2016 On Query Letters and Muskoka Heritage Place
I am currently sending out query letters and sample chapters to agents. So far, I've contacted twelve, and there's a long list remaining! Taking this giant step represents a huge leap of faith on my part. It means actually putting a part of myself out there for scrutiny. (Rather like establishing this website!) I appreciate those who have responded to assure me that they have received my submission and will look at it. This means a lot. Even though that process may take up to six months, and I may never hear from them again, I appreciate that courtesy.
Last summer, I submitted some poetry to a competition and was thrilled to have two of my poems selected for an anthology. They represent my first published works. I will eventually post one or both of them here.
The cabin on my cover page is located in Muskoka Heritage Place, Huntsville, ON. and is a typical settler's home. I was delighted to find it so similar to the one I had described in my novel, complete with the stump where the children's mother loved to sit and listen to the morning birdsong.